Policy of protection of personal data (PPDP)

LAST UPDATED 17/06/2019

The Policy of Protection of Personal Data (PPDP) applies to all websites, applications, games/draws of the company Mrs. S. LLC and the sites of its brand, Madame Sensual (www.Madame-Sensuelle.com,www.madame-Sensuelle.fr,www.madameSensuelle.euwww.madame-Sensuelle.pariswww.madame-Sensuelle.uk), hereinafter referred to as ” Sites “

each time you (“User “) access to the Sites.

Welcome to the site Madame-Sensual.

Data collection and purposes

MRS. S. SARL collects personal data on the User accessing the Sites. We collect and process including your name, address, email address, password, phone number, IP address, connection data and navigation data, order history, preferences, and interests, products viewed, incidents of deliveries, claims.

This collection of data is performed in particular when the User :

  • creates the customer account “My account” or identifies
  • performs a command on Our websites or our app
  • browses through the Sites and consults with product
  • participates in a game or contest
  • contact our Customer Service
  • sign up for the newsletters or alerts offered by MRS. S. SARL

The data collected are intended exclusively for the use of MRS. S. LLC and its sites. They may be transmitted to subsidiaries of ms S. srl or to companies – sub-contractors – which MRS. S. SARL appealed in the framework of the execution of services and orders, including the management, execution, processing and payment. They are necessary for the management and monitoring of the business relationship between MS. S. SARL and its customer (management of orders, deliveries, returns, payment, complaints, etc.). They also allow you to MADAM S. LLC to provide the User with personalized services on the Sites, to send him commercial offers. MRS. S. SARL used also for statistical purposes and the realization of arrays of edges of hearings and commercial activities.

MRS. S. ltd can be induced to transmit to its advertising partners, data relating to the items viewed by the User during his navigation on the Sites and the nature of its purchases if applicable, in order to display targeted advertisements on partner sites of its advertising partners, as well as on social networks, and improve the relevance of information that are available to them.

MRS. S. SARL, a limited liability company with a capital of 10 000 euros, whose head office is located 99, Rue de Rennes, 75006, Paris, France is responsible for the processing of these data. They can be passed on to companies and subcontractors to whom MRS. S. SARL appealed within the framework of the execution of orders and the proposed services (our service providers of means of payment or payment security, our logistics providers and delivery). In the case where it is required by law, your consent is obtained or a possibility of refusal is arranged before any transfer of data.

The user is informed that this automated information processing, including the management of e-mail addresses of users, has been the subject of reports to the National Commission for Data Protection (CNPD) under numbers T010793 and T010794 and is in line with the amended law of 2 August 2002 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as the General Regulation of Data Protection (RGPD). Internet users have a right to access, rectify, oppose and delete personal data concerning them. All requests for clarification relating to the personal data and/or the purpose of the treatment is in place, as well as the exercise of rights of access, rectification, opposition and deletion will be done by writing to the following address : Mrs. S. SARL, 99, Rue de Rennes, 75006, Paris, France.

Transfer of data outside the EU

MRS. S. SARL informs the User that his personal data may be transmitted to a service provider located in the United States in the framework of e-mailing campaigns (see “newsletter Mrs. S., LLC” below), or log management technical Sites (see “technical Data (logs)” below). These providers operate in compliance with the european provisions on personal data protection of the convention ” Privacy Shield “.

Forms of the Sites

The Sites may ask the user to provide information through forms, for example when creating an account. In order to allow their validation, the User will have to fill in all the fields that are displayed in forms that will be presented, with the exception of the fields marked as optional. The optional information entered by the User to allow ms S. SARL to better know its Users.

Any field marked by an asterisk is mandatory. Any lack of response will lead to the impossibility to validate the form.

Mailing address and phone number

The mailing address and telephone number of the Customer are necessary for the processing and management of orders and commercial relations between MADAME S. SARL and the Customer.

MRS. S. LLC uses this personal data for marketing purposes. At any time, the Customer has the opportunity to object in a simple manner and free of charge on the Internet sites www.Madame-Sensuelle.com (the ” Site “) or the iOS and Android apps (“Applications “) in the “My account” or by mail to the following address : MRS. S. SARL,

MRS. S. LLC may use the mobile phone number of the Customer for the order management and can also be used for purposes of commercial prospecting. At any time the customer has the opportunity to object in a simple manner and free of charge on the sites or the Application in the “My account” or by mail to the following address : Mrs. S. SARL, 99, Rue de Rennes, 75006, Paris, France.


The sites make use of cookies in accordance with the legislation in force. During the consultation of the site, cookies are deposited on your computer, your mobile or your tablet. The sites are designed to be particularly attentive to the needs and expectations of our clients and cookies are used to recognise you when you return to the sites, allow you to access your account, manage and store your shopping cart even when not connected to your account, store your consultations and customize offers that we offer.

A cookie is a small text file deposited on your computer when visiting a site or viewing an advertisement. They are in particular intended to collect information relating to your navigation on websites and to send you personalized services. In your computer, cookies are managed by your internet browser. MRS. S. LLC also uses “localstorage” to the browser that has the same operating principle as the cookies.

The User can at any time disable the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in his browser. The action of deleting cookies also deletes the “localstorage” in the browser. However, this deactivation will prevent access to certain features of the sites to customize the services offered by MRS. S. SARL.

When the User browses through the Sites, cookies from third party companies (e.g. advertising agencies or partners) may be deposited on your computer, tablet or mobile device in order to identify your interests through the products viewed or purchased on our site and to personalize the advertising offer which is addressed to you on our Websites or outside our Websites.

The different types of cookies used

Different types of cookies are used on our sites, they have different purposes. Some are necessary for your use of our sites.

Functional Cookies

These cookies are used to recognise you when you return on the sites and allow you access to your account easily manage and store your shopping cart in order not to lose it between visits, even when not connected to your account, save your display settings for listing products and other choices of customization that you would have done …

Cookies for audience measurement and performance

It comes to cookies posted by tools that allow us to know the use and performance of Our sites and to improve the functioning and relevance.

Cookies statistical and internal business to Mrs. S. SARL

These cookies are placed and used exclusively by Mrs. S. LLC for the purpose of statistical measures, or follow-up commercial in-house. Some of these cookies are associated to discount coupons.

Cookies our external partners

These are cookies used to show you advertisements or information that is relevant to your interests outside of Our sites during your surfing on the Internet. They are used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement and help measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. Refuse to accept advertising cookies will not stop the dissemination of advertisements. This will only display advertisements that do not take account of your interests or preferences.

Cookies of social networks

These cookies social purpose is to enable users to share pages and content through third-party social networks.

Management of cookies

The User may refuse these cookies at any time by selecting the appropriate settings in his browser. This refusal will have the effect of preventing access to certain functionality offered by the companies partners of ms S. SARL. You can also use the services of the site Youronlinechoices.com proposed by professional digital advertising grouped within the european association EDAA (European Digital Advertising Alliance). This european platform is shared by hundreds of advertising professionals on the Internet and constitutes a centralized interface allowing you to express your refusal or acceptance of cookies that may be used to customize the navigation of your terminal, the ads may be displayed : http://www.youronlinechoices.com/fr/controler-ses-cookies/.

Module for the management of cookies

MRS. S. LLC makes available to Users of the sites a module enabling them to oppose the cookies deposited on the sites. To do this, the User can click on the link ” I “parameter is present in the banner information indicating the purposes of the cookies deposited, or click on the tab “My Account” section in ” My cookies “. It also has the ability to change at any time of its choice via the link in the “Cookies” at the bottom of every page of the sites.

Newsletter Mrs.-Sensual

The User may register for newsletters of Madame Sensual, and so to be kept informed of new features and offerings on the sites. It has any time the possibility of modulating the information he wishes to receive, or unsubscribe by clicking on the link provided for this purpose located at the bottom of each newsletter. This link is also accessible on the site in the section ” My account “.

The Client who ordered products from Mrs. S. LLC also benefits of newsletters Madam-Sensuous in which may be offered products and commercial offers that are similar to products already ordered.

Any user subscribed to the newsletter Madame-Sensual has any time the possibility of modulating the information he wishes to receive, or unsubscribe by clicking on the link provided for this purpose located at the bottom of each newsletter. This link is also accessible in the ” My account “.

When creating his account on the sites to Madame-Sensual and subsequently in the management of its preferences via the ” My account “, the Customer or the Identified User may choose to receive promotions from partners of the sites to Madame-Sensual. It has the option at any time to unsubscribe in this subject.

Duration of retention of your personal data

The personal data collected by Mrs. S. srl in the framework of the creation of the account by the User and placing the order are kept 5 years from his last contact with Mrs. S. SARL.

Certain personal data will also be retained by Mrs. S. SARL within the time limits that are imposed by the legislation in order to meet its legal obligations.

Security measures taken to ensure the protection of personal data

Mrs. S. LLC shall implement any technical means in accordance with the rules of the art to maintain the integrity, security, confidentiality of data, and in particular to prevent that they are deformed, damaged or that unauthorized third parties have access to it.

During the passage of the order, no bank data is gathered or stored by the sites. Mrs. S. LLC uses the services of providers that are certified PCI-DSS compliant to ensure the security of payments.

Technical data (logs)

The technical data use and operation of the Sites (log files) is used only for the safety and the quality of the Sites (detection of possible intrusions or errors). They are stored according to the applicable legislation. The User is notably informed that the logs applicatifs de-identified are shared with the company Sentry in the United States that adheres to the Privacy Shield.

sur votre ordinateur, tablette ou mobile afin d’identifier vos centres d’intérêt au travers des produits consultés ou achetés sur nos sites et personnaliser l’offre publicitaire qui vous est adressée sur nos Sites ou en dehors de nos Sites.

Les différents types de cookies utilisés

Différents types de cookies sont utilisés sur nos sites, ils ont des finalités différentes. Certains sont nécessaires à votre utilisation de nos sites.

Cookies fonctionnels

Ces cookies sont entre autres utilisés pour vous reconnaître lors de votre retour sur les sites et vous permettre d’accéder à votre compte facilement, de gérer et mémoriser votre panier de commande afin de ne pas le perdre entre plusieurs visites, même lorsque non connecté à votre compte, de mémoriser vos paramètres d’affichage des listing produits et autres choix de personnalisation que vous auriez effectué …

Cookies de mesure d’audience et de performance

Il s’agit de cookies postés par des outils qui nous permettent de connaître l’utilisation et les performances de Nos sites et d’en améliorer le fonctionnement et la pertinence.

Cookies statistiques et commerciaux internes à Madame S. SARL

Ces cookies sont positionnés et utilisés exclusivement par Madame S. SARL pour des besoins de mesures statistiques ou de suivi commercial en interne. Certains de ces cookies sont associés à des coupons de réduction.

Cookies de nos partenaires externes

Il s’agit des cookies utilisés pour vous présenter des publicités ou informations adaptées à vos centres d’intérêts en dehors de Nos sites lors de votre navigation sur Internet. Ils sont notamment utilisés pour limiter le nombre de fois où vous voyez une publicité et aider à mesurer l’efficacité d’une campagne publicitaire. Le fait de refuser les cookies publicitaires n’entraînera pas l’arrêt de la diffusion de publicités. Cela aura seulement pour effet d’afficher des publicités qui ne tiendraient pas compte de vos centres d’intérêt ou de vos préférences.

Cookies des réseaux sociaux

Ces cookies sociaux visent à permettre aux utilisateurs de partager des pages et du contenu via des réseaux sociaux tiers.

Gestion des cookies

L’Utilisateur peut refuser ces cookies à tout moment en sélectionnant les paramètres appropriés dans son navigateur. Ce refus aura pour conséquence d’empêcher l’accès à certaines fonctionnalités proposées par les sociétés partenaires de MADAME S. SARL. Vous pouvez également utiliser les services du site Youronlinechoices.com, proposé par les professionnels de la publicité digitale regroupés au sein de l’association européenne EDAA (European Digital Advertising Alliance). Cette plate-forme européenne est partagée par des centaines de professionnels de la publicité sur Internet et constitue une interface centralisée vous permettant d’exprimer votre refus ou votre acceptation des cookies susceptibles d’être utilisés afin d’adapter à la navigation de votre terminal les publicités susceptibles d’y être affichées : http://www.youronlinechoices.com/fr/controler-ses-cookies/.

Module de gestion de cookies

MADAME S. SARL met à la disposition des Utilisateurs des sites un module leur permettant de s’opposer aux cookies déposés sur les sites. Pour ce faire, l’Utilisateur peut cliquer sur le lien « Je paramètre » présent dans le bandeau d’information mentionnant les finalités des cookies déposés ou cliquer sur l’onglet « Mon Compte », rubrique « Mes cookies ». Il a également la possibilité de modifier à tout moment ses choix via le lien « Cookies » présent en bas de chaque page des sites.

Newsletter Madame-Sensuelle

L’Utilisateur peut s’inscrire aux newsletters de Madame Sensuelle et ainsi être tenu informé des nouveautés et des offres proposées sur les sites. Il a à tout moment la possibilité de moduler les informations qu’il souhaite recevoir ou de se désabonner en cliquant sur le lien prévu à cet effet situé en bas de chacune des newsletters. Ce lien est également accessible sur les sites dans la rubrique « Mon compte ».

Le Client ayant commandé des produits chez Madame S. SARL bénéficie aussi des newsletters Madame-Sensuelle dans lesquelles il peut se voir proposer des produits et offres commerciales similaires aux produits déjà commandés.

Tout utilisateur abonné à la newsletter Madame-Sensuelle a à tout moment la possibilité de moduler les informations qu’il souhaite recevoir ou de se désabonner en cliquant sur le lien prévu à cet effet situé en bas de chacune des newsletters. Ce lien est également accessible dans la rubrique « Mon compte ».

Lors de la création de son compte sur les sites de Madame-Sensuelle et ultérieurement dans la gestion de ses préférences via la rubrique « Mon compte », le Client ou l’Utilisateur Identifié peut choisir de recevoir des offres des partenaires des sites de Madame-Sensuelle. Il a à tout moment la possibilité de se désabonner dans cette même rubrique.

Durée de conservation de vos données personnelles

Les données personnelles recueillies par Madame S. SARL dans le cadre de la création de compte par l’Utilisateur et de la passation de commande sont conservées 5 ans à compter de son dernier contact avec Madame S. SARL.

Certaines données personnelles seront également conservées par Madame S. SARL dans les délais qui lui sont imposées par la législation afin de répondre à ses obligations légales.

Mesures de sécurité prises pour assurer la protection des données personnelles

Madame S. SARL met en œuvre tout moyen technique conformément aux règles de l’art pour maintenir l’intégrité, la sécurité, la confidentialité des données et notamment empêcher qu’elles soient déformées, endommagées, ou que des tiers non autorisés y aient accès.

Lors du passage de la commande, aucune donnée bancaire n’est collectée ou stockée par les sites. Madame S. SARL utilise les services de prestataires certifiés PCI-DSS afin d’assurer la sécurité des paiements.

Données techniques (logs)

Les données techniques d’usage et de fonctionnement des Sites (fichiers log) sont utilisées uniquement pour la sécurité et la qualité des Sites (détection d’éventuelles intrusions ou erreurs). Elles sont conservées conformément à la législation applicable. L’Utilisateur est notamment informé que des logs applicatifs anonymisés sont partagés avec la société Sentry aux Etats-Unis qui adhère au Privacy Shield.